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The Duke Chronicle

A&S budget to remain concern

Correction (9/25/2002): A page one story in the Sept. 24 edition of The Chronicle incorrectly stated the annual budget for Arts and Sciences. The budget is over $200 million, not $200,000.

The Duke Chronicle

ADF co-director succumbs to cancer

Stephanie Reinhart, the celebrated co-director of the Durham-based American Dance Festival and a pillar of American modern dance, died early Monday morning after a long battle with leukemia.

The Duke Chronicle

NATO official speaks on press, ethics

The media is so important that terrorist groups plan attacks with consideration of how media coverage will strengthen their message, said a top NATO press official Friday afternoon.

The Duke Chronicle

A famous house

When the Diocese of Raleigh sealed the deal to purchase the house at 402 N. Buchanan Blvd. this month, its goal was to help Duke's Newman Catholic Student Center accommodate its members temporarily.

The Duke Chronicle

Task force to look at selective groups

As selective houses pack their bags and move to the perimeter of West Campus this year and as other selective groups request housing, University officials are seeking a broader reevaluation of...

The Duke Chronicle

Another first

Don't let the warm, unassuming smile and the cheery British inflection in Stuart Pimm's voice fool you. Pimm is no ordinary science teacher.

The Duke Chronicle

Legislators plan for LIP-less year

After a summer free from referenda, agendas and initiatives, Duke Student Government is scheduled to resume Saturday, when its 50 legislators'Äîonly 14 of whom are returning members'Äîwill...

The Duke Chronicle

State finds new DRH violations

For the second time in six months, Durham Regional Hospital has failed to meet quality standards for federal Medicare and Medicaid funding, according to a 45-page list of problems from the state's...

The Duke Chronicle

Off of campus, out of mind?

While restricted DukeCard access to dormitories and new locks and lighting in Perkins Library have shown that administrators are eager to alleviate on-campus safety concerns, the University has...